

Questions and answers

 1. How to get personal information about enrollment in distance learning?

 By phone 068-172-47-96 or by e-mail mazur@khnu.km.ua

 2. What diploma of education will I receive?

 State Diploma

 3. Bachelor's Degree?

 On the basis of the certificate of the complete secondary education (school certificate) - 5 years, on the basis of the diploma of the junior specialist - 2 years.

 4. Master's degree?

 1.5 years.

 5. How many times a year do you need to come to Khmelnytsky National University? How is the session going?

 The session is held twice a year - in January and June. Students take the session at local distance learning centers or online from home.

 6. What additional training materials are needed?

 All necessary educational materials are provided electronically to the student on his page on the site.

 7. What is the cost of training?

 Lowest compared to other universities. The cost of studying for the year last year was: bachelor - 6300grn, master - 8800grn.

 8. What are the necessary documents for entry?

 As in the hospital: bachelors - three ZNO. Of which - a compulsory subject for all directions in the Ukrainian language and literature; the second compulsory for economics majors is mathematics. For masters it is obligatory EBA in English.