Хмельницький нацiональний унiверситет
Навчальний Центр заочно-дистанційної освіти
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Distant education is the new type of educational process that is based on principles of independent studying. The main characteristics of the educational environment is that students partly, and permanently away from the university have an ability to contact the university any time with the means of telecommunication.

Distant Education

Distant education – is the type of education during which a large amount of educational material and supervision happens with the use of modern technologies: satellite television, computer telecommunications, national and cable television, multimedia, educational systems.

On of the unique characteristics of DE is that a student gets the ability to independently study and get the knowledge needed using modern informational technologies. Informational resources: computer and multimedia educative and scientific databases, educational and supervisional systems, video and audio records, electronic libraries in combination with traditional textbooks and methodical books create a unique educational environment, made available for a large variety of people.

Video and audio lectures, seminars, computer video and audio conferences and the ability to contact your supervisor daily through the computer communication systems make the distant education more efficient than traditional daily education.

Intensive student-student and student-supervisor telecommunications give ability for frequent conferences and educational games.

Distant education can also be combined with traditional forms of education. By developing the distant education programs all of existing methods of education are combined which gives the distant education programs a high-quality level of education.

Developing remote training integrates all existing methods of training and gives them qualitatively new level.

  © Khmelnitskiy National University. Faculty of distant education.
 The functioning laws protect materials on distant education programs developed by the center of distant education
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